The Perk
Tác giả: Mark Gimenez
NXB: Sphere (February 19, 2009)
Language: English
Mã hàng: 9780751539677
Tình trạng: Sách bẩn cạnh trên, 496 trang khổ 11X18
Giá bìa: UK £6.99 - Giá bán: 100,000
Beck Hardin returns to his Texas hometown - and his estranged father - after the death of his wife leaves him with two children to raise. The town is still reeling from the murder of sixteen-year-old Heidi, whose father - Beck's old college friend - asks Beck to help him find Heidi's killer before the statute of limitations runs out. Meanwhile, Beck is pushed into becoming town Judge, and he makes some powerful enemies amongst the rich white landowners when he refuses to condone their treatment of the Mexican workers of the town. As events escalate, the landowners carefully plot their revenge...