Be Your Own Brand: A Breakthrough Formula for Standing Out from the Crowd
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Incorporated
Publication Date: 2003-10-11
ISBN: 9781576752722
Language: English
Genre: Business & Economics
Giá bìa: US $14.95 - Giá bán 150,000
Be Your Own Brand offers readers a compelling personaldevelopment tool to help them succeed by building andusing unique "branded" relationships throughout theirlives. A brand is a relationship, not a statement. It's aspecial type of relationship fueled by a strong beliefsystem and tied to an emotional connection. Companies andproducts with strong brands are always the mostsuccessful in their industry. Strong, enduring personalrelationships have many of the same qualities of abusiness-related brand. This book uses the provenbusiness axiom of brand equity as a basis to demonstratethe importance of relationships to drive personalsuccess. Success is defined by each individual's beliefsystem. In an accessible and personal style, Be Your OwnBrand presents this compelling, novel approach topersonal relationships, which is based on proven businesspractices of building loyal relationships with consumers.